Tooth Extraction in Wilmington

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Tooth Extractions Will Rid You Of Painful, Damaged Teeth

Dr. Graves’ goal as a dentist is to help Wilmington families keep their teeth for as long as possible. However, there are times when you may require a tooth extraction. Myrtle Grove Implants and Family Dentistry patients frequently provide second opinions about tooth removal, surgical extractions, and full mouth reconstruction after tooth loss.

Dr. Graves may emphasize the need for tooth removal for a variety of reasons, including:

Advanced Periodontal Disease

Because of gum disease and bone loss, your teeth can become mobile, and it can often cause pain when you eat. If you have a severe infection, it is critical to remove them. This will result in a more stable oral environment for quicker healing.

Toothaches and Emergencies

Accidents, severe toothaches, and injuries sustained during sporting events are just a few examples of situations that require immediate dental attention. While extraction is not the ideal solution, it can provide immediate pain relief. We can then proceed with additional steps to restore your smile once you have healed.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

The most common reason for people contacting our Wilmington office for a wisdom tooth evaluation is pain. However, there are other circumstances that may require third molars to be extracted. In many of these scenarios, the reasons are related to the health of neighboring teeth rather than the individual integrity of the wisdom tooth.

Abscessed Tooth

A root canal can be used to treat the majority of dental abscesses. However, if the infection is severe enough to infiltrate surrounding structures and erodes the root surface itself, it should be removed altogether.

Tooth Extraction

Should You Replace Extracted Teeth?

Each tooth is critical to the function and aesthetic appeal of your smile. Even if your missing tooth isn't visible when you speak or laugh, it can cause your other teeth to shift out of place after it's extracted. It is critical to maintaining natural tooth spacing and biting structures by replacing them as early as possible. Dr. Graves can help you select the best option, such as a bridge or dental implant

Schedule Your Visit

Do you need to have a tooth extracted? Call Myrtle Grove Implants and Family Dentistry to set up a no-obligation consultation.


Tooth Extractions Will Rid You Of Painful, Damaged Teeth

Dr. Graves’ goal as a dentist is to help Wilmington families keep their teeth for as long as possible. However, there are times when you may require a tooth extraction. Myrtle Grove Implants and Family Dentistry patients frequently provide second opinions about tooth removal, surgical extractions, and full mouth reconstruction after tooth loss.

Dr. Graves may emphasize the need for tooth removal for a variety of reasons, including:

Advanced Periodontal Disease

Because of gum disease and bone loss, your teeth can become mobile, and it can often cause pain when you eat. If you have a severe infection, it is critical to remove them. This will result in a more stable oral environment for quicker healing.

Toothaches and Emergencies

Accidents, severe toothaches, and injuries sustained during sporting events are just a few examples of situations that require immediate dental attention. While extraction is not the ideal solution, it can provide immediate pain relief. We can then proceed with additional steps to restore your smile once you have healed.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

The most common reason for people contacting our Wilmington office for a wisdom tooth evaluation is pain. However, there are other circumstances that may require third molars to be extracted. In many of these scenarios, the reasons are related to the health of neighboring teeth rather than the individual integrity of the wisdom tooth.

Abscessed Tooth

A root canal can be used to treat the majority of dental abscesses. However, if the infection is severe enough to infiltrate surrounding structures and erodes the root surface itself, it should be removed altogether.


Should You Replace Extracted Teeth?

Each tooth is critical to the function and aesthetic appeal of your smile. Even if your missing tooth isn't visible when you speak or laugh, it can cause your other teeth to shift out of place after it's extracted. It is critical to maintaining natural tooth spacing and biting structures by replacing them as early as possible. Dr. Graves can help you select the best option, such as a bridge or dental implant

Schedule Your Visit

Do you need to have a tooth extracted? Call Myrtle Grove Implants and Family Dentistry to set up a no-obligation consultation.

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